Thursday, September 25, 2008

Polka dot Blog

Note: the title has nothing to do with what your about to read... but i thought it sounded catchy!

This is a bit of a mentor program plug, and its mostly relevant to the 1st years... but feel free to read on!

In a continued attempt to become more involved in campus life and addmitably in an attempt to build my resume credentials I have joined the mentor program as a mentor.
-unknowing to most of us (in the upper years) this program has changed a bit in recent years...

*apparently the university has found that it is unethical to provide upper year students (the mentors) with the personal and contact information of the first year students whom were formerly assigned mentors without their knowledge, or at least i wasn't expecting some random to call me up and ask me how i was doing when i was in 1st yr..

this now creates a bit of a problem for the mentor program... there are 40(ish) mentors and about 4(ish) 1st years who had signed up for a mentor during NSO.

The mentor program organized some workshops, events etc.. early in september in an attempt to recruit first years (mentees) and get out some awareness.. so now maybe there are about 10(ish) mentees.. and still 40(ish) mentors...

SO... Calling all First years! sign up for a mentor...

the mentor program runs some pretty worthwhile programs and events
-trick or eat
-cardboard boat races
-SOS (pre exam cram sessions run by students, maybe even with some hints from the profs!)

and... in the event you have a passion, for whatever it is (within reason), and you think other people on campus might be interested in supporting your cause the mentor program can offer resources that will support, and in some cases even fund your endeavour.

Also, mentors are chosen/assigned by/to students, usually by discipline and help students, though advice, friendship, leadership, and in my case charm and wit with issues pertaining to student transition etc.

So. if your a first year, who maybe hasnt found out what resources are available to you here at Nip, who are having trouble adjusting to budgeting, time management, being away from home etc... and feel you might benefit from being introduced to a student with similar interests in a similar program who is willing to assist you as best they can. go to student affairs, right atop the crooked stairs and ask for transition services. they'll help you out!!!

anyways thats my plug. hopefully if u didnt know the program existed you will now and maybe some of you will even go in there and solicit a mentor!!!

DO IT! and tell all your freinds too

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A sad day for democracy at Nipissing and Canadore.

This was posted by the Ryerson Free Press. I found it rather interesting and thought I would pass it along...

Nothing says the start of a school year more like the talk of referenda.
And, to that end, nothing says counter-democracy more than when a referendum is conducted during the summer or so close to the beginning of the school year that no student could be expected to participate fully.
Over the summer, the Joint Student Centre Executive Committee (JSEC) at Canadore College and Nipissing University, organized to launch a referendum to raise the student centre fee that is shared by students at the two institutions. The referendum is on now.
There isn't a ton of information written about the referendum in an official capacity. Other than a facebook group that wasn't created by the Nipissing Students' Union, their website has a 13 word brief from August 28 directing students to a PDF for information .
The group NipissingYOU, a counter voice to the Nipissing Students' Union, has more information at their website, including the NUSU link to the PDF, and a link to the Campus Free Press, a student paper at Nipissing University. According to their website, the referendum starts SEPTEMBER 4! (Orientation for new students starts on Tuesday, September 4).
And, just to ensure it doesn’t look completely crazy, there will be an open forum on Friday Sept. 5. For everyone keeping track, that is during the voting period. Groups wanting to register a ‘no’ or ‘yes’ side campaign had to do so by today.
Perhaps most undemocratic about this referendum is contained within the question. Rather than a simple yes or no vote, the JSEC has crafted four options: three yes options and one no option. And, to further influence students to vote yes, the question has a list of possible improvements that can be made to a student centre by an increased student centre levy.
Students at Nipissing should be outraged.
And, according to yesterday’s Bay Today, they are. In fact, students are now appealing to the university president (and former Ryerson Vice-President, Academic) Denis Mock to stop the proposed referendum.
There have been many years of questionable conduct at the Nipissing Students’ Union and maybe the tactics driving this referendum shouldn’t surprise anyone.
However, organising in the summer to pull the wool over the eyes of members is just about the lowest tactic a students’ union can take. Sure, the nature of student politics is to develop policy that may not be agreed upon by everyone. But in a member-driven organisation, the students are the highest decision making body (or, at least, they should be). Students need to be equipped and trusted to make the right decision. Boards need to equip and trust students to make the right decision. Otherwise, board and executive members are just fooling themselves.
A proper referendum should be highly publicized, offer enough time for students to register in different camps and learn about the issues, contain no leading information in the question and be a simple yes or no question.
Hopefully students at Nipissing will win their chance for a fair referendum.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

90s rewind

So for those of you who made an appearence at the wall last night, your probably feeling about as great as I am right now. With the affordable CC and my personal love affair, dirty larry's WTF Friday's are sure to be a epic. Last nights theme made me a bit nostalgic though; dressed in a dapper Jesse Spano (circa the saved by the bell work out video) onesie with a kangaroo fanny pack I was a bit let down I didnt make the line up to win the TV. But the hunt for the attire at our friendly neighbourhood thrift store, and the return of the mid 90s dance mix cd's definately brought back some good memories.

Following today's shinerama festivities there is the glo in the dark pub at the wall, event nights seem to have moved themselves to fridays so this looks like one of few saturday night events. This makes me kind of happy, it seems sad but on the countdown to my 21st bday the bar nights which my body can handle have slowly become less frequent. Perhaps its reflective of the increasing stress of 4th year, but Im beginning to feel like an old lady as its now 3:30 and I'm still pondering whether or not breakfast is feasible. (feel free to comment if you feel the same way, I really hope im not the only one whos ability to pull 3 day long benders is dwindling)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I know I will.